world of love
Waiting and hiding the secret of time, < /strong> The work of the world has changed. It seems that the day of judgment is approaching, Unpromising winds blow, Khojaly!
February 26 has come hard, The water in the fountains drowned in red blood, < span style="font-size: medium; font-family: 'Palatino Linotype'; color: #000000;"> Suddenly the mourning of a home was founded, My voice did not reach anyone Khojaly!
Fire rained, hands fell, noise, panic, Moaning, screams rose to the throne, God did not look at this unjust case, < span style="font-size: medium; font-family: 'Palatino Linotype'; color: #000000;"> We trembled, yes - yes, Khojaly!
Rejecting slander, evil, jackals gather and power comes to juice, The land suddenly fell into mourning, A sad breeze passed, Khojaly!
What did you see and what did you not draw, Earth, stone, Weep for the widowed bride, How did I dry, cut, Khojaly !
I don't listen, tears are in my eyes, < span style="font-size: medium; font-family: 'Palatino Linotype'; color: #000000;"> As I remember that day, that battle, Girl lost mother, brother brother, How am I dirty, silent, Khojaly!
If I tell you, this pain is heavier than the mountains, The bastards throw stones in my path, Dağıldın is a villager, a tentmaker, Who am I offended by, my resentment, Khojaly!
Wake the sleepers, < span style="font-size: medium; font-family: 'Palatino Linotype'; color: #000000;"> Cool the burning longing in my heart, Come back, come back to yourself again, May this joy be with me, Khojaly!
A film dedicated to the Khoja / Khojaly Genocide
A girl from Khojaly wrote a letter to Sarkozy